Monday, July 29, 2013

Youtube Beauty Gurus

I am a YouTube fan. I find myself watching more YouTube videos than TV. Of course there are the TV shows that I couldn't live without. But, in general I find myself spending more time on the computer watching videos than sitting down and flipping through the TV guide. Mainly I watch beauty Gurus, because it is makeup TV. Beauty Gurus are youtubers that video blog (vlog) about beauty products, they do reviews, tutorials, DIY and much more. Basically their a blog but they flim themselves. So here are the people that I couldn't live without in no particular order.

Basically she is the most put together person I have ever seen. Her videos quality is amazing and her content is off the charts. I love watching her, and seeing what she recommends.

Allison is the beauty vlogger that makes you want to buy everything. She has a great mix of reviews, and tutorials with affordable and high end products. My favorite videos that she does are her favorites because she goes through everything she loves and gives a review of it. 

The pixiwoo sisters Sam and Nic are professional makeup artists from the UK who have amazing instructional videos that a normal person can understand and actually learn from. They are always doing tutorials based of celebrity looks, movie characters. Their Halloween tutorials are spectacular and overall they are wonderful. Sam also has created a makeup brush line Real Techniques which is supposed to be amazing.

Emily is a News Anchor who is self proclaimed beauty adict. She is always on top of new products drugstore and high end. If you are looking for a good bronzer, foundation, etc she will have a video about the best ones. To sum it up she is the most informative beauty vlogger in the whole youtube world. 

Eleventh Gorgeous are two sisters Tracy and Stefanie with a joint youtube channel that is all about the drug store makeup. I love them for their hauls, and product reviews. Also they are so funny and just plain adorable. 

Ingrid is probably the prettiest person on the earth, and her videos are well edited and have good content. She has a wide arrange of fashion, GIY (glam it youself), and beauty videos. She is fun to watch and after I finish watching one of her videos it is impossible not to be in a good mood. She is positive, and always puts a smile on my face no matter what her video is about. I also love her vlog channel The Grid Monster . Her cat Nugget is one of my most favorite creatures on the planet. 

Michele Phan is basically normal girl turned YouTube millionaire. Her videos are informative, useful, well made and just lovely to watch. As she has gotten more recognized her videos have changed but I think that they have changed for the better. Her tutorials are also amazing because she doesn't reference specific products she just mentions what type of product you need. This allows someone to create the look using any product that they already own. She also created her own monthly beauty bag service Ipsy

So basically you should go to YouTube right NOW and subscribe to all of these lovely ladies. If you don't have a YouTube account you can sign in with your G-mail which makes things super easy. Now you have no excuse for not subscribing. Happy watching!

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