Friday, July 19, 2013

Covergirl Quads in Country Woods

I was stumbling though the drugstore as I always seem to be when I came across a very large display of new and old covergirl quads/trios/singles. As I always tend to do I was drawn to the neutral quads in browns, bronzes, and vanillas. I was really hoping that this would be a great complimentary small pallet to go with my beloved Wet and Wild Walking On Egg Shells trio. This defiantly is a nice addition to carry around in my makeup bag because the colors are so pretty and neutral but, the pigmentation is a real let down. To get any of these colors to really pop on the eyes you have to dig your brush into the shadow, and apply many layers to achieve any color pay off.
 The quad has contains three browns/bronze colors called coffee, mink, and mocha, and a crème color in barely beige.
Coffee is a medium brown shade with a satin finish. It is more pigmented than mink or mocha, but the consistency is sticky and clumpy and doesn’t apply easily.
Mink is an interesting color. It looks brown with some shimmer in the pan, but on the eyes is a more bronze rose gold color. It is very sheer and no matter how much you try to build up this color you won’t get much pay off.
In the pan mocha looks to be a sun burnt orange brown. However due to its extreme sheer consistency is looks more like an ashy brown when applied to the lid. It isn’t as sheer as mink but the color pay off is just weak,
Barely Beige:
This is the most pigmented shade in the quad but the consistency of the shadow is so awful and difficult to work with I don’t even really think that it is worth it.
 Overall I wouldn’t repurchase this quad ever again. If you don’t mind fiddling with it, and taking lots of time building up the color then maybe you won’t mind it. But I will say that the colors are really beautiful in the pan.

1 comment:

  1. Ahahah I love walking on egg shells <3
    also add google friend connect to your blog!
