Friday, July 19, 2013

Covergirl Clump Crusher

*** excuse my awful photos ***
I was walking through the drugstore looking for a new mascara, and I decided to go out of my comfort zone. I always buy Maybelline mascaras. I love almost all of the volume express line except, for a few I haven’t tried. I was in the Covergirl section and I quickly picked up the Clump Crusher. I have always been turned off by the lashblast chunky orange packaging even though it is a raved about mascara. But, something about the neon green packaging made me grab it.
            Unfortunately I wasn’t really paying attention when I grabbed it off the rack because when I got home I realized I bought it in brown instead of black. This is just about the most annoying mistake a mascara lover can make. Always remember to look at the packaging closer because getting home with the wrong color is the worst. Even though I bought the wrong color, I don’t like to waste money so I have been using it anyway. I actually find that I don’t mind the brown because it does give me a more natural look for summer.
The packaging is the classic chunky thick lashblast tube. But, instead of orange it is like I said an eye-catching neon green. The tube has a flat bottom giving it the ability to stand. The twist of cap has a pointed slant on the end. In other words it has identical outside packaging to the original lashblast tube. The only difference is the color.
The stopper inside the tube works great. When you pull the wand out the perfect amount of product is distributed on the brushes. However like all mascaras there is a little excess the whips out on the tip.
The brush is rubber, with small stubby bristles, just like the original lashblast. The twist to the clump crusher is the brush is thinner, and is curved. The bristles start out very small at the bottom, get longer in the middle and go down again at the tip.
As the name says this mascara is suppose to CRUSH ALL CLUMPS. It definitely doesn’t crush them, but it does eliminate them. After three coats there barely are any clumps. But it can get a little sticky by the fourth coat but it still looks pretty good. Keep in mind that I never really feel the need for more than two coats of mascara. On the bottom lashes it performs ok. It is a little hard to apply without getting mascara all over your under eye area. But, if your really careful it looks pretty good.
This mascara wears pretty well. I actually walked in the pouring rain for fifteen minutes and no smudging at all. I have worn this mascara for a few days in 90-degree weather and I have had no flaking. I don’t really have oily eyelids but usually at the end of the day most mascara will flake on me. But, this one has been pretty good, and I didn’t buy the waterproof formula.
Overall rating:
7 out of 10 because I have had better mascaras but this one is still pretty darn good.

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