Monday, September 2, 2013



I have purchased many a EOS lip balms and well I'm not too empressed. I know that people love EOS balms but I think it is all packaging and no formula. The little eggs are so cute, and I love using them. But, the actual product isn't very impressive. It feels very thick and waxy on the lips, it just doesn't really moisturize them. The balm feels nice on the lips when first applied but when it wears off your lips aren't any different. If anything they feel a little dry and I feel the need to reapply. Thus the cycle of dry lips continues. It is so unfortunate that EOS has a lack luster formula because the scents, flavors, and packaging are so amazing. The brand keeps coming out with new scents and they keep getting more and more enticing. The formula however stays the same, waxy and suckish.  What do you think? Do you love EOS lip balms, does the formula work for you?

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